Thursday 20 October 2011

2000km stop Prague

Not sure what was worse, the few days of heavy rain I rode through or having to sit through an hour of Celine Dion in the hotel restaurant at the end of the day.

Have no doubt it was very challenging especially when the road on my map turned out to be a 3km gravel track that would’ve been fantastic if the weather was dry. The alternative was a 10km detour so I made the right choice although at the time I used every obscenity you can imagine to describe the situation I got myself into.

After a few kilometres you get used to the rain. Yeah you keep wiping your glasses, it’s uncomfortable, cold wet hands but what nearly broke me was one single drop of rain.

I stood under a slight shelter staring at my map willing it to show me the way. As I was leaning over the handlebars one heavy cold raindrop rolled off the roof onto my neck and down my back. I almost snapped, almost!

The hard part is over now. I have enjoyed the last few days immensely and a spirit lifting visit from a few mates in Berlin sure did help. Adam all the way from Australia, what a treat and Ryan in from London, thanks guys.

With 2000km already covered I could afford to sit back on a comfortable train and cross over the mountains from Dresden into Usti nad Labem in the Czech Republic.

What a beautiful part of the world. Dresden gets 10 out of 10, by far my favourite stop, and together with the train ride over the border I highly recommend a trip out this way to anyone. You will not be disappointed it is absolutely stunning.

Only two more riding days left, a short day into the outskirts on Prague tomorrow and then an even shorter ride into Prague Old Town Square on Saturday at midday.

I’m going to head into the town now and enjoy where my legs have taken me over the last 5 or so weeks, but you will hear from me tomorrow.

I will leave you with the best of Germany, the thoughts of a very famous German man, Goethe.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.