Thursday 29 September 2011

Country 5 of 6 - Deutschland

In my quest to find cheaper accommodation and to avoid overnighters in the big busy cities I discovered another gem. The city of Deventer, Netherlands.

I decided to use one of my saved free days to enjoy this little medieval city. I find the Middle Ages so fascinating, public hangings, people being boiled to death, the crusades. It’s surprising anyone survived at all. Although Black Death did have a go at that too….

Well I survived the Netherlands and am in German territory now. First impressions; the roads are not as cycle friendly, drivers are so much more aggressive but on the upside grapes seem to be a little bit cheaper.

With Germany comes different terrain too. This should test my legs so hopefully all that training Ryan (thanks) and I did, twice, may come in handy.

I have gotten quite comfortable on the bike now, I don’t mean to jinx it but I can text message, drink, peel bananas, take photos, one hand, no hands. It’s quite difficult the no hands stuff but with my bags well balanced I took both hands off to zip up my jacket. Then I took both hands off again to high five myself. (that’s that thing I do with my hand in the air, Mark)

So hopefully with my improved bike skills, map reading skills and an extra inch in my lungs I’m ready to take on the Germans.

Just for the record, still no rain, and for those playing at home Leiden, Haarlem and Deventer are my Dutch picks.

Aung Gyi, Germany is for you buddy.
